Big Room Planning
Big Room Planning is a cornerstone of scaled adaptive delivery, bringing together teams and stakeholders in a dynamic, collaborative environment. This workshop will guide you through the principles, practices, and real-world application of Big Room Planning, ensuring you leave equipped to facilitate these sessions effectively within your organization.
Join us for an immersive one-day workshop designed to set you up for success with Big Room Planning. This intensive session is tailored for teams, leaders, and anyone involved in collaborative planning and execution, interested in harnessing the collective wisdom of their teams to drive alignment, efficiency, and success in their projects.
Who Should Attend
This workshop is ideal for anyone involved in large-scale agile or adaptive delivery, seeking to enhance their skills and understanding of Big Room Planning, including those new to Big Room Planning through to those with experience looking to take to the skills to the next step.
Date: Friday 7 June 2024, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: Radically Collab Space, 3 Lorne Street, Auckland
Key Takeaways
- Deep Dive into Big Room Planning: Understand the what, why, and how of Big Room Planning.
- Facilitation Techniques: Learn the art of facilitating BRP sessions, including setting the agenda, managing time, and ensuring active participation and collaboration from all attendees.
- Preparation: Learn how to effectively prepare to ensure everyone involved arrives well-prepared with the right information for success.
- Overcoming Challenges: Equip yourself with strategies to overcome common obstacles in BRP, such as remote team participation, managing large groups, and ensuring actionable outcomes.
- Actionable Insights: Gain insights from Radically’s experience helping clients achieve outstanding BRP results. We will introduce you to the best practices, tools, and techniques to make your Big Room Planning sessions more effective and engaging.
$699 standard (GST excl.)
$599 early bird (GST excl, booked one month prior)